Thursday, October 4, 2012

What are your roots?

This week in Shira, we discussed the Great Migration. We learned that more than two million Jews emigrated from Eastern Europe to the United States between 1880 and 1924, fleeing poverty and injustice. Many (though not all) of our own ancestors were a part of the Great Migration. What are your roots? Use the survey we handed out in class to explore your own family history. Be prepared to share next Wednesday!

Here is a copy of the survey for those who didn't get one:

Shira Family Activity – What Are Your Roots?

Please take this survey home and discuss your family history with someone who

can help you answer the questions below. Take some time to learn about what

your family roots are, when and why your family immigrated to America, and what

challenges your immigrant ancestors may have faced in their native countries and

here in the U.S.A.

What country or countries did your family come from before coming to the U.S.A.?

Mother’s Family:

Father’s Family:

Approximately when did they arrive?

_______________________________What year?_______

_______________________________What year?_______


Why did your family immigrate to North America?

Mother’s side:

Father’s side:

2. Where did your family first settle in North America?

Mother’s side:

Father’s side:

3. What was your family’s occupation before/after immigrating?

Mother’s side:

Father’s side:

4. Did your family affiliate with a religious community? If so, which movement/faith community were they affiliated with?

Mother’s side:

Father’s side:

5. What challenges did your family face as new immigrants to North America?

Mother’s side:

Father’s side:

6. Do you have any family stories or traditions from the “Old Country” that

have been passed down to you or your parents? If so, feel free to share one

or two here!

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